Right-click the emoji & click on “Save image as” Once you have opened the emoji’s link, thereafter to download the emoji, make a right-click on it and proceed to the next step given below. Note: If you’re on Discord mobile, you won’t be able to see the “Open Link” option as it is not available on mobile. Scroll down through the navigation menu to find “Open Link” option.It will open a navigation menu with quite a few options like “Add Reaction”, “Reply”, “Mark Unread”, and others.

In order to do so, you are required to open the emoji’s link followed by a right-click on the emoji. On Discord, one can download and save animated and non-animated emojis by practicing similar process. Instead, they can download the emoji on their desktop PC and from there get it uploaded to their server. For using such emojis, users are required to subscribe to Discord Nitro. Practically speaking, some servers have grayed out emojis, to restrict their free usage around the world. In addition to that they can also download the emojifrom Discord server. And the server owners as well as users are allowed to upload emojis via “manage emoji” permission. Nearly all Discord servers have some custom emojis which users can use while chatting or sending a message. Step 3: Name the file and save it Downloading Discord Emojis:.