… If you installed Spore and The Sims 3, your computer would not be slowed down at all (or not a noticeable amount. … You can do this by clicking CTRL+ALT+DEL that will open task manager, then force close the ‘ts4.exe’. Or the easy way, hold the on/off button from your computer for 5 seconds and push it again to restart the computer. Sims 4 not launching problem can be caused by corrupted save files. So you can try to reset the game to reload the files. Note: Resetting the game will delete the families in the game. … 2) Right-click on The Sims 4, then select Copy. Try resetting your sims 4 folder, starting a new save game file, and testing to see if the issues with loading households occurs there also. Why is Minecraft stuck on loading screen? To do that, move your sims 4 folder ( that is in Documents -Electronic Arts – then the sims 4 folder is there ) to the desktop. Minecraft stuck on the loading screen might be triggered by some important files in your Mincraft folder. Performing a cleam uninstall might fix that. To do that, you’ll need to delete all the Minecraft data. On your keyboard, press the Windows key and R at the same time to open the Run box. THE SIMS 3 CC MAGIC ADDED A CACHE FOLDER TO MOD FOLDER WINDOWS : Close all applications and shut down the PS4™ console. THE SIMS 3 CC MAGIC ADDED A CACHE FOLDER TO MOD FOLDER WINDOWS.THE SIMS 3 CC MAGIC ADDED A CACHE FOLDER TO MOD FOLDER PLUS.THE SIMS 3 CC MAGIC ADDED A CACHE FOLDER TO MOD FOLDER PS4.THE SIMS 3 CC MAGIC ADDED A CACHE FOLDER TO MOD FOLDER PATCH.THE SIMS 3 CC MAGIC ADDED A CACHE FOLDER TO MOD FOLDER INSTALL.This no longer works - do not attempt to place custom content in Program Files and do not use Monkey Bars or Helper Monkey to install your content. Very old versions of The Sims 3 (prior to the release of World Adventures and its patch) would have mods and content in the Program Files directory.The file is safe and necessary to install mods on The Sims 3. This is because it's a ".cfg" file, not because it's malware. The "Resource.cfg" file may trigger some antivirus software programs.If you start up your game and get no intro animation, nor any sparkles when placing walls or fences, everything is working. The Packages folder will already have two files in it ("nobuildsparkles.package" and "nointro.package") so you'll be able to check if your mods will work. The FrameworkSetup file will contain the necessary framework for your mods - a folder named Overrides, a folder named Packages, and a file named "Resource.cfg".Again, the location of The Sims 3 documents folder is Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3. Select The Sims 3 documents folder when asked where to extract the contents of the zip file to. You need a program such as Winzip, WinRAR, or the free alternative 7-zip to Extract the contents of a zip file.

Extract the contents of the Zip file to The Sims 3 documents folder.